High Speed CW Meteor Scatter:

At our March 14 1998 meeting, Maarten KD1DZ (FN41)
introduced the N.E.W.S. Group to what actual
HSCW meteor QSOs sound like. I for one was quite
surprised to hear full sets of calls being exchanged
in a single 1/4 second long ping. Both Maarten and
Steve KO0U (FN42), related how successful they have
been using HSCW MS to make long-haul QSOs almost
every day even during periods of low meteor activity.
MSDSP software was used to transmit the high speed
CW burst and slow down the CW in the received
ping to a speed humans can easily copy.

If you liked KD1DZ's presentation, you can reach
Maarten via Email at mabu@sprintmail.com

Here's some starting points to begin
reading more about this exciting mode:

-73, Ron WZ1V