Jan '04 N.E.W.S. Group Meeting

( click on any image to enlarge )

Left - Our President Tom Williams WA1MBA conducts a duct tape auction

Members bring in a useful item(s) duct-taped to a not-so-useful item. Proceeds go to the owner or can be donated to the club.

Left - Paul Wade W1GHZ presented

a Homebrew Power Meter project.

Left - AD8307 spec, and

Right - power meter design for 10-500 MHz.

Left - LTC5508 chip, and

Right - frequency response through 10 GHz.

Left - LTC5508 power meter description, and

Right - schematic.

Left - DEMI RFPM mods, and

Right - completed power meter prototype.

Click here for W1GHZ's website.
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