North East Weak Signal Group VIDEO CLIPS:
To play .WMV You'll need the latest Microsoft Windows Media Player which already comes with XP or Vista,
or Apple Quicktime or Quicktime Lite for .MOV clips,
You can download a compact Media Player Classic from
NEWS Picnic MOV clip 1, July 2008
NEWS Picnic MOV clip 2, July 2008
W1OUN - EME Presentation, MOV 39 minutes, November 2008
W1OUN - EME Presentation, WMV 39 minutes, November 2008
KP4AO-W1RJA 432 EME clip on N1JFU's YouTube page, April 17, 2010
KP4AO-W1RJA 432 EME WMV downloadable clip on NEWS server, April 17, 2010
Note - This is an Experimental Page Under Construction. 04-17-2010: Added KP4AO-W1RJA 432 EME WMV clip, April 17, 2010. Will be adding new content soon. Please email comments to WZ1V.